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How can Construction and Logistics Professionals Stand out to Leading Employers on LinkedIn?

Harry Wilkins
September 25, 2024


LinkedIn is now one hell of a big deal in the professional world. 

The platform has surged in popularity over the past five years, establishing itself as the premier league of social media locations for professional networking and personal brand-building. With over a billion members worldwide, it’s become the go-to for career-driven individuals and employers alike.

Now the top companies and recruiters in your field are already well aware of LinkedIn’s importance and actively seek out professionals who are visible and engaged on the platform.

In fact, being active on LinkedIn could be the key component in securing a top career opportunity…

So let's start with the basics of a good LinkedIn profile…

These are what I would pinpoint as the essential components every construction and logistics professional needs to make their profile stand out.

  • A pretty professional photo - First impressions matter. Ensure you have a clear, professional photo to instantly make your profile more approachable and trustworthy.

  • The journey to this point… - Fill out your educational background and work history with relevant details. Make sure to include your job titles, responsibilities, and any key projects or achievements. This will help your network understand your career progression and expertise.

  • We need a relevant cover photo or if not, a nice work banner - Your cover photo is basically an extension of your personal brand. Choose a banner that will reflect your industry, whether that’s a construction site, logistics operation, or something more personal to your professional journey.

  • Big and strong headline - Your headline is one of the first things eyes will latch onto. It’s your main opportunity to define yourself. I would suggest to it concise but impactful, clearly stating your role and what you bring to the table.

  • Summarise You! - Use your bio to introduce yourself and highlight what makes you a unique human. Briefly explain your background, key skills, and what you’re passionate about in your field and in your personal life as well. This gives your network a wonderful sense of your professional personality and goals.

Okay, now you should have the basics to kickstart your LinkedIn profile. Now, let's get building your network! 

As a construction or logistics professional, your network can be just as important as your skillset. But I hear you ask “who should you be connecting with to maximise my opportunities and find?

Here are the three types of people you should prioritise:

  • Industry professionals, especially those in higher roles (industry experts) - These will allow you to stay in the loop with everything going on in the industry, gives you the chance to make genuine connections with important people in the industry and can inspire you to create similar posts to them.

  • Recruiters who specialise in your industry - This will keep you hungry for new opportunities while also showing you what the market is looking like in terms of current salary/benefits rates. But most importantly this allows you to create a long-standing relationship with a good recruiter, who will have the best industry connections and give you specific, tailored advice on your current situation.

  • Social media marketers – sorry in advance - These interesting individuals are the go-to source for tips on how to navigate LinkedIn effectively. From post creation to connecting with the right people, social media marketers are at the cutting edge of LinkedIn strategies. Following their advice can sharpen your online presence and help you build an effective LinkedIn strategy. Plus, they'll often share creative and entertaining content to keep your feed as fun as possible!

Once you begin to connect with these three sets of professionals (by the way don’t refrain from connecting with people outside these three groups) you will begin to find a whole load of people who you feel a bit of a, if you'll pardon the pun, connection with.

Okay that’s all your getting for part one!

And to be honest I’m sure if I carried on any further you’d probably grow tedious after a while, if you haven’t already.

So look out for part two - coming soon to a laptop near you!


Harry Wilkins
Harry Wilkins

Hello, I’m Harry, I am a Marketing & Social Media Executive here at Streamline Recruitment. I oversee all our social media channels and produce our online content while also overseeing the maintenance of our website.  In 2022 I completed my Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprenticeship...

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