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Reflecting on the Impact of Remote Working

Harry Wilkins
July 12, 2023

In the wake of the global pandemic, remote and flexible working have become integral to professional life. Professionals from various industries are now making life-altering choices and critical career decisions based on the availability of remote and flexible work options.

Watch as our Head of MEP CAD Recruitment Tom Evans delves into the impact of remote working within the industries that he recruits within in and examines its relevance to the recruitment industry as a whole.   

Flexible working undeniably holds numerous benefits for the industries that Streamline recruits within, like Building Services, Design Engineering, and Digital Engineering. Firstly, businesses operating within these sectors gain access to a much broader field of candidates and talent, a particularly significant advantage considering the current skills shortage. Remote working allows companies to tap into talent pools from a wider range of locations, effectively breaking down barriers and expanding their recruitment potential. 

As well as this, remote working offers greater flexibility for professionals in these industries.

For instance, many in the building services sector have built design studios or home offices, blurring the lines between their personal and professional spaces. This arrangement not only fosters creativity but also enhances work-life balance, empowering individuals to structure their day according to their unique needs. Remote working provides the freedom to juggle personal responsibilities while still meeting professional obligations, usually resulting in increased job satisfaction and overall well-being. 

For many people remote working has proven to be a productive environment. Working from the comfort of their own homes eliminates many of the distractions commonly found in traditional office settings, allowing individuals to focus and produce high quality work. The autonomy that comes with remote working has shown to spur productivity and innovation in some individuals, enabling them to flourish and deliver exceptional results.

While remote working has thrived in the industries we recruit within, the same level of benefits hasn’t been universally felt across the recruitment industry itself. At Streamline Recruitment, we have experimented with remote working over the past few years, but the nature of our work necessitates a different approach. 

In recruitment, speed is paramount.

When an entire team is in the office, we can have one consultant receive a job brief from a client while another is simultaneously working with a potential candidate. Within minutes, a candidate's CV can be shared with the client, expediting the hiring process. 

However, when working remotely, this efficient workflow has its obstacles. Communication delays and potential technical challenges may impede the swift progression of the recruitment process, leading to missed opportunities. While remote working offers flexibility and numerous advantages, the rapid pace required in the recruitment industry is usually disrupted when one team member is working from home.

Every company and individual will approach the matter of remote working differently. 

It is crucial for businesses to evaluate their current workforce and identify the specific talents they aim to attract. This type of reflective analysis will enable companies to develop clear plans and policies regarding remote work, making it easier for potential employees to navigate the available options.

The impact of remote working varies depending on the industry and each organisation's specific requirements. While some industries have embraced remote working wholeheartedly and reaped its benefits, the recruitment industry faces unique challenges that demand a careful balance between flexibility and the need for swift, efficient operations.

By adopting a thoughtful and strategic approach, companies can effectively leverage the advantages of remote working or explore alternative arrangements that align with their goals. This will ensure their continued success in the evolving world of work and enable them to attract top talent in their respective industries.

Ultimately, the transformative power of remote working should not be overlooked.

It has revolutionised the way professionals across various sectors operate, providing newfound flexibility and opportunities for personal and professional growth. As the landscape continues to evolve, businesses and individuals must adapt and navigate the impact of remote working to thrive in the dynamic and ever-changing employment landscape.

Harry Wilkins
Harry Wilkins

Hello, I’m Harry, I am a Marketing & Social Media Executive here at Streamline Recruitment. I oversee all our social media channels and produce our online content while also overseeing the maintenance of our website.  In 2022 I completed my Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprenticeship...

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The 7 Stages to Ensure You Secure Elite Talent

It's no secret that there is a skill shortage within the UK construction sector, leading to a heavily candidate driven market.

According to the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, 62% of construction firms have turned down work due to a lack of skilled workers. Stats like this emphasise even further that now more than ever it’s imperative that businesses are doing all they can to secure great talent.

So our Head of MEP CAD Tom Evans and Head of MEP & Sustainability Design George Martin have created this 7 step guide to ensuring that your business can secure the elite talent in the sector.

Fill in the form and download the guide today!

The 7 Stages to Ensure You Secure Elite Talent

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